論文リスト : List of Papers (2012. 2. 28)

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    査読付き論文(papers refereed)

  1. "Spectral geometry of Kaehler submanifolds of a complex projective space", J. Math. Soc. Japan 38(1986), pp453-472.
  2. "Einstein parallel Kaehler submanifolds in a complex projective space", Tokyo J. Math. 9(1986), pp335-340.
  3. "Spectral geometry of compact Hermitian symmetric submanifolds", Math. Z. 192 (1986), pp57-72.
  4. "Bi-order real hypersurfaces in a complex projective space", Kodai Math. J. 10(1987), pp182-196.
  5. "Compact Kaehler manifolds and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian", Colloquim. Math. LVI(1988), pp341-349.
  6. "Minimal immersions of Kaehler manifolds into complex space forms", Tokyo J. Math. 10 (1987), pp227-239.
  7. "Stable harmonic maps from Riemann surfaces to compact Hermitian symmetric spaces"(with Y. Ohnita), Tokyo J. Math. 10(1987), pp385-390.
  8. "Pluriharmonic maps and minimal immersions of Kaehler manifolds", J. London Math. Soc. 37(1988), pp375-384.
  9. "Holomorphicity of certain stable harmonic maps and minimal immersions", Proc. London Math. Soc. 57(1988), pp577-598.
  10. "Real hypersurfaces of a complex projective space in terms of holomorphic distribution" (with S. Maeda), Tsukuba J. Math. 14(1990), pp39-52.
  11. "Surfaces with constant Kaehler angle all of whose geodesics are circles in a complex space forms" (with S. Maeda), Tokyo J. Math. 13(1990), pp341-351.
  12. "Stability, complex-analyticity and constancy of pluriharmonic maps from compact Kaehler manifolds" (with Y. Ohnita), Math. Z. 205(1990), pp629-644.
  13. "Complex-analyticity of pluriharmonic maps and their constructions"(with Y. Ohnita), Prospects in Complex Geometry (Proceedings at Katata/Kyoto, 1989, edited by J. Noguchi and T. Ohsawa), Lect. Notes in Math. 1468(1991), Springer-Verlag, pp371-407.
  14. "On slant immersions into K\"ahler manifolds" (with S. Maeda and Y. Ohnita), Kodai Math. J. 16(1993), pp205-219.
  15. "Classification of pluriharmonic maps from compact complex manifolds with positive first Chern class into complex Grassmann manifolds", Tohoku Math. J. 46(1994), pp367-391.
  16. "Harmonic maps from a two-torus into a complex Grassmann manifold", International J. Math. 6(1995), pp447-459.
  17. "Circles in a complex projective space" (with T. Adachi and S. Maeda), Osaka J. Math. 32(1995), pp709-719.
  18. "Harmonic tori in quaternionic projective 3-spaces", Proc. American Math. Soc. 125(1997), pp275-285.
  19. "Simpleness and closedness of circles in compact Hermitian symmetric space", (with T. Adachi and S. Maeda), Tsukuba J. Math. 24(2000),pp1-13.
  20. "Harmonic maps of finite type into generalized flag manifolds and twistor fibrations" (with Y. Ohnita),"Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems"(a conference on Integrable Systems in Differential Geometry, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan July,pp17-21, 2000), Contemporary Mathematics 308, pp245-270(2002), American Math. Soc. .
  21. "Geometry of ordinary helices in a complex projective space" (with T. Adachi and S. Maeda), Hokkaido Math. J. 33(2004), pp233-246.
  22. "Construction of almost complex 2-tori of type (III) in the nearly Kaehler 6-sphere"(with H. Hashimoto and T. Taniguchi), Differentail Geometry and its Applications 21(2004),pp127-145.
  23. "Ruled real hypersurfaces in a nonflat quaternionic space form"(with T. Adachi and S. Maeda), Monatshefte fur Mathematik 145(2005), pp179-190.
  24. "Schur's Lemma for Kaehler manifolds"(with T. Adachi and S. Maeda), Archiv der Math.(Basel) 90 (2008), No.2,pp163-172.
  25. "Characterization of parallel isometric immersions of space forms into space forms in the class of isotropic immersions"(with S. Maeda), Canadian J. Math.61 (2009), No.3, pp641-655.
  26. "A homogeneous submanifold with nonzero parallel mean curvature vector in Euclidean sphere"(with S. Maeda), 9-pages, J. of Geometry 102 (2011), pp123-131.
  27. "Minimal surfaces in the anti-de Sitter spacetime" (with T. Ichiyama), Proceedings of the International Workshop in honor of S. Maeda's 60th birthday, "Differential geometry of submanifolds and its related topics", S. Maeda, Y. Ohnita and Q-M Cheng (Editors),pp32-43,2013, World Scientific.
  28. "Geometry of linear and angular momenta of N-particles in the Riemannian space forms and de Sitter space"(with T. Taniguchi), Journal of Geometry and Physics 86(2014), pp284-295.
  29. "Some kind of stabilities and instabilities of energies of maps between Kaehler manifolds"(with T. Taniguchi), Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Springer Proc. in Math. & Statistics 111(2014), pp567-571.
  30. "Characterizations of Ricci flat metrics and Lagrangian submanifolds in terms of the variational problem"(with T. Taniguchi), Glasgow Math. J. 57(2015), pp643-651.
  31. "Finite Gap Solutions For Horizontal Minimal Surfaces Of Finite Type In 5-Sphere" (with J. Inoguchi and T. Taniguchi), 36-pages, preprint.
  32. "DPW method for proper affine spheres and finite gap solutions" (with J. Inoguchi),47-pages, in preparation.


  1. "複素射影空間のケーラー部分多様体のスペクトル幾何について"(written in Japanese), リーマン多様体とリー群, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録576号, 1985年12月, pp75-99.
  2. "Harmonic maps from a two-torus into a complex projective space", Bulletin of Liberal Arts and Sciences Nihon University School of Medicine No. 21 : 日本大学医学部一般教育研究紀要21号, 1993年12月.
  3. "Harmonic tori in complex Grassmann manifolds and quaternionic projective spaces", The theory of submanifolds and related topics (Kyoto, 1995), 部分多様体論と・サの周辺, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録907号, pp100-111.
  4. "リーマン幾何におけるタイヒミュウラー理論について"(written in Japanese), Bulletin of Liberal Arts and Sciences Nihon University School of Medicine No. 23 : 日本大学医学部一般教育研究紀要23号, 1995年12月.
  5. "An exposition of McIntosh's work by showing many examples", Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Nihon University, School of Medicine, No.26 (1998), 13-33.
  6. "球面およびトーラス面から対称空間への調和写像の分類問題 (解説と未解決問題)",(with Y. Ohnita, written in Japanese), 極小曲面とその周辺領域の総合的研究, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録1113号, 1999年10月, pp44-64.
  7. "Spectral curves, dressing actions and harmonic maps of R^2 into complex Grassmann manifolds", Mem. Fac. Sci. Eng. Shimane Univ. Ser. B Math. Sci. 34(2001), 87-104.
  8. "Almost complex curves of type (III) in the nearly Kaehler 6-sphere", Mem. Fac. Sci. Eng. Shimane Univ. Ser. B Math. Sci. 35(2002), 29-41.
  9. "On complex spheres"(with K. Honda and T. Ikawa), Mem. Fac. Sci. Eng. Shimane Univ. Ser. B Math. Sci. 36(2003), 49-56.
  10. "On the construction and classification of almost complex curves in a nearly K\"ahler 6-sphere", 等質空間と部分多様体の幾何学, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録1346号, 2003年11月, pp40-46.
  11. "On the Tzitzeica equation"(written in Japanese), 日本大学医学部一般教育研究紀要31号, 2003年12月, 13-42.
  12. "オイラー数と曲面の曲がり方の関係を記述する究極の定理 ーガウス・ボンネの定理ー", 日本大学医学部一般教育研究紀要32号, 2004年12月, 35-47.
  13. "Moduli spaces of complete Fermi curves and the Willmore functional"(with Y. Ohnita and T. Otofuji), 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録1527号, 2006年11月, pp100-127.
  14. "Pluriharmonic maps from tori into projective unitary groups and configurations of points on rational or elliptic curves" (with T. Taniguchi), Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences Nihon University School of Medicine, No. 36 (2008), 1-26.
  15. "1st and 2nd variational formulaes for new variational problem" (with T. Taniguchi), Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences Nihon University School of Medicine, No. 40 (2012), 37-44.